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Our faculty, graduate students, and alumni have been recognized at the global, national, university, and department levels for their innovative research, teaching, service, and public engagement. 

Dissertation Awards
Elena Gambino, Leo Strauss Award for the Best Dissertation in Political Philosophy for 'Presence in Our Own Land': Second Wave Feminism and the Lesbian Body Politic, American Political Science Association, 2020.
Mona Lena Krook, Honorable Mention for Best Dissertation on Women and Politics for Politicizing Representation: Campaigns for Candidate Gender Quotas Worldwide, Women and Politics Section, American Political Science Association, 2006.

Elizabeth S. Corredor, Best Dissertation on Women and Politics for Gender Justice, Resistance, and the Politics of Peace in Colombia: A Gender Analysis of Colombia’s 2010-2016 Peace Negotiations and Final Agreement, Women, Gender, and Politics Section, American Political Science Association, 2022.
Catherine Wineinger, Best Dissertation on Women and Politics for Gendering the GOP: Rhetoric, Representation, and Republican Congresswomen as Party Messengers, Women, Gender, and Politics Section, American Political Science Association, 2020.
Kate Bedford, Best Dissertation on Women and Politics for Empowering Women, Domesticating Men, and Resolving the Social Reproduction Dilemma: The World Bank’s Employment Policies in Ecuador and Beyond, Women and Politics Section, American Political Science Association, 2006.
Career Awards
Susan J. Carroll, Rutgers Faculty Scholar-Teacher Award, Rutgers University, 2018.
Mona Lena Krook, Emerging Scholar Award, Elections, Public Opinion and Voting Behavior Section, American Political Science Association, 2015.

Susan J. Carroll, Lifetime Contribution to Political Studies, Political Studies Association (United Kingdom), 2014.
Mona Lena Krook, Early Career Award, Midwest Women’s Caucus, Midwest Political Science Association, 2012.
Mary Hawkesworth, Outstanding Professional Achievement Award, Midwest Women’s Caucus, Midwest Political Science Association, 2008.
Susan J. Carroll, Outstanding Professional Achievement Award, Midwest Women’s Caucus, Midwest Political Science Association, 2006.
Roberta Sigel, Outstanding Professional Achievement Award, 
Midwest Women’s Caucus, Midwest Political Science Association, 1999.
Nadia Brown, Early Career Award, Midwest Women’s Caucus, Midwest Political Science Association, 2014.
Doctoral Funding
Graduate Students
Michelle Irving, Doctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada), 2022-2024.
Sumin Lee, Prize for the Empirical Study of Gender and Politics, Empirical Study of Gender Research Network, 2022. 
Sumin Lee, Jennings Randolph Peace Scholarship, United States Institute of Peace, 2021-2022.
Kathleen Rogers, American Dissertation Fellowship, American Association of University Women, 2020-2021.
Brit Anlar, Honorable Mention for Catt Prize for Research on Women and Politics, Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics, Iowa State University, 2020. 
Nainika Paul, Honorable Mention for Catt Prize for Research on Women and Politics, Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics, Iowa State University, 2020. 
Catherine Wineinger, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation Dissertation Fellowship in Women's Studies, 2017. 
Grace Howard, American Dissertation Fellowship, American Association of University Women, 2016-2017.
Mary K. Nugent, Donald E. Stokes Dissertation Research Fellowship, British Politics Group, American Political Science Association, 2016.
Catherine Wineinger, Congressional Research Grant, Dirksen Congressional Center, 2016. 
Catherine Wineinger, Catt Prize for Research on Women and Politics, Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics, Iowa State University, 2016. 
Anna Mitchell Mahoney, American Dissertation Fellowship, American Association of University Women, 2011-2012.
Kelly Dittmar, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation Dissertation Fellowship in Women's Studies, 2010. 
Brittany L. Stalsburg, Honorable Mention for Catt Prize for Research on Women and Politics, Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics, Iowa State University, 2010.
Kelly Dittmar, Honorable Mention for Catt Prize for Research on Women and Politics, Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics, Iowa State University, 2009.

Jennifer Schenk Sacco, American Dissertation Fellowship, American Association of University Women, 2004-2005.
Jennifer Schenk, Congressional Research Grant, Dirksen Congressional Center, 2004. 
Ronnee Schreiber, Dissertation Fellowship, American Association of University Women, 1999-2000.
Ronnee Screiber, Alice Paul Award, Women’s Caucus for Political Science, American Political Science Association, 1997.
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Sumin Lee, ACES Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of International Affairs, Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University, 2022-
Meriem Aissa, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Jane Nelson Institute for Women's Leadership, Texas Woman's University, 2021-2023.
Elizabeth Corredor, Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Ryerson University, 2021-2023.
Kathleen Rogers, American Political Science Association Congressional Fellowship, 2021-2022.
Catherine Wineinger, American Political Science Association Congressional Fellowship, 2019-2020.
Mary K. Nugent, American Political Science Association Congressional Fellowship, 2018-2019.
Juliana Restrepo Sanín, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Sié Chéou-Kang Center for International Security and Diplomacy, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, and One Earth Future Foundation, 2018-2019.
Kelly Dittmar, American Political Science Association Congressional Fellowship, 2011-2012.
Kate Bedford, Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Women's Studies, Barnard College, 2007-2008.
Book Awards
Nikol G. Alexander-Floyd, W.E.B. DuBois Distinguished Book Award for Re-Imagining Black Women: A Critique of Post-Feminist and Post-Racial Melodrama in Culture and Politics (New York University Press, 2021), National Conference of Black Political Scientists, 2022.
Mona Lena Krook, Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order for Violence against Women in Politics (Oxford University Press, 2020), University of Louisville, 2022.
Mona Lena Krook, George H. Hallett Award for Quotas for Women in Politics: Gender and Candidate Selection Reform Worldwide (Oxford University Press, 2009), Representation and Electoral Systems Section, American Political Science Association, 2019.
Shatema Threadcraft, W.E.B. DuBois Distinguished Book Award for Intimate Justice: The Black Female Body and the Body Politic (Oxford University Press, 2016), National Conference of Black Political Scientists, 2017.
Shatema Threadcraft, Sara A. Whaley Award for the Best Book on Women and Labor for Intimate Justice: The Black Female Body and the Body Politic (Oxford University Press, 2016), National Women’s Studies Association, 2017.
Shatema Threadcraft, Best Book in Race and Political Theory for Intimate Justice: The Black Female Body and the Body Politic (Oxford University Press, 2016), Race, Ethnicity and Politics Section, American Political Science Association, 2017.
Mona Lena Krook, Victoria Schuck Award for the Best Book on Women and Politics for Quotas for Women in Politics: Gender and Candidate Selection Reform Worldwide (Oxford University Press, 2009), American Political Science Association, 2010.
Cynthia R. Daniels, Victoria Schuck Award for the Best Book on Women and Politics for At Women's Expense: State Power and the Politics of Fetal Rights (Harvard University Press, 1993), 1994.

Nadia E. Brown, W.E.B. Du Bois Distinguished Book Award for Sisters in the Statehouse: Black Women and Legislative Decision Making (Oxford University Press, 2014), National Conference of Black Political Scientists, 2015.
Nadia E. Brown, Anna Julia Cooper Best Publication Award for Sisters in the Statehouse: Black Women and Legislative Decision Making (Oxford University Press, 2014), Association for the Study of Black Women in Politics, 2015.
Article Awards
Mona Lena Krook, Intergenerational Justice Award for “Not Too Young to Run? Age Requirements and Young People in Elected Office” (co-authored with Mary K. Nugent), Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations and the Intergenerational Foundation, 2018.
Shatema Threadcraft, Okin-Young Award in Feminist Political Theory for “Intimate Injustice, Political Obligation, and the Dark Ghetto," 2015.
Mona Lena Krook, Harrison Prize for the Best Article in Political Studies for “Women’s Representation in Parliament: A Qualitative-Comparative Analysis,” Political Studies Association (United Kingdom), 2010.
Mary Hawkesworth, Heinz Eulau Award for Best Article Published in the American Political Science Review for "Congressional Enactments of Race–Gender: Toward a Theory of Raced–Gendered Institutions," American Political Science Association, 2004.

Anna Mitchell Mahoney, Best Paper Prize for “The Choice is Yours: Caucus Typologies and Collaboration in U.S. State Legislatures” (co-authored with Mirya Holman), Representation: A Journal of Representative Democracy, 2019.
Anna Mitchell Mahoney, Best Journal Article Award for “Stop, Collaborate, and Listen: Women’s Collaboration in U.S. State Legislatures" (co-authored with Mirya Holman), State Politics and Policy Section, American Political Science Association, 2018.

Graduate Students
Mary K. Nugent, Intergenerational Justice Award for “Not Too Young to Run? Age Requirements and Young People in Elected Office” (co-authored with Mona Lena Krook), Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations and the Intergenerational Foundation, 2018.
Paper Awards
Elena Gambino, Best Paper Award for “Politics as Sinister Wisdom: Reparation and Responsibility in Lesbian Feminism,” Women, Gender, and Politics Section, American Political Science Association, 2020.
Mona Lena Krook, Wilma Rule Award for Best Research on Gender and Politics for “Violence Against Women in Politics: A Rising Threat to Democracy Worldwide,” International Political Science Association, 2016.
Mona Lena Krook, Best Paper Award for “Mapping Violence against Women in Politics: Aggression, Harassment, and Discrimination against Female Politicians” (co-authored with Juliana Restrepo Sanin), Women and Politics Research Section, American Political Science Association, 2015.

Mona Lena Krook, Women’s Caucus Prize for the Best Paper on Women and Politics for “Beyond Hillary and Benazir: Women’s Political Leadership Worldwide” (co-authored with Farida Jalalzai), Northeastern Political Science Association, 2009.
Mona Lena Krook, Sophonisba Breckinridge Award for the Best Paper on Women and Politics for “The Politics of Group Representation: Quotas for Women and Minorities Worldwide” (co-authored with Diana Z. O’Brien), Midwest Political Science Association, 2008.

Sara Angevine, Betty Nesvold Award for the Best Paper on Women and Politics for "Aborting Global Women's Rights: How the US Represents Women Worldwide," Western Political Science Association, 2017.
Graduate Students
Zainab Alam, Hayward R. Alker Award for Best Graduate Student Paper for "Do-it-Yourself Activism in Pakistan: The Fatal Celebrity of Qandeel Baloch," Interpretive Methodologies and Methods Section, American Political Science Association, 2019.
Catherine Wineinger, Betty Nesvold Award for the Best Paper on Women and Politics for "How Can a Black Woman Be a Republican? An Intersectional Analysis of Identity Politics in the Mia Love Campaign," Western Political Science Association, 2016.
Juliana Restrepo Sanin, Best Paper Award for “Mapping Violence against Women in Politics: Aggression, Harassment, and Discrimination against Female Politicians” (co-authored with Mona Lena Krook), Women and Politics Research Section, American Political Science Association, 2015.
Department Prizes
Roberta S. Sigel Best Paper Award
Award given annually for the best graduate student paper related to women/gender and politics presented at a professional conference or submitted to a journal in the previous calendar year.
2020: Sumin Lee, "Violence Continues in Shadow: The Limited Deterrent Effects of the ICC on Wartime Sexual Violence"
2019: Elizabeth Corredor, “On the Strategic Uses of Women’s Rights: Backlash, Rights-Based Framing, and Anti-Gender Campaigns in Colombia’s 2016 Peace Agreement”
2018: Zainab Alam, “Do-it-Yourself Activism in Pakistan: The Fatal Celebrity of Qandeel Baloch”
2017: Elizabeth Corredor, “Unpacking ‘Gender Ideology’ and the Global Right’s Anti-Gender Countermovement”
2016: Juliana Restrepo Sanín, “Violence against Women in Politics and the Law: Arguments for an Expanded Definition”
2015: Amanda Roberti, “Protecting Women as Women: Strategic Framing of Abortion Regulations”
2014: Catherine Wineinger, "Constructing Women's Interests: Motherhood, Fiscal Conservatism, and Republican Women in the 113th Congress"
2013: Stephanie Szitanyi, “Semiotic Readings of the USS Midway Museum”
2012: Erin Heidt-Forsythe, "Reproducing a State:  Morals, Economics, and the Politics of Location in Assisted Reproductive Technology Regulation"
2011: Sara Angevine, "Global Women’s Issues and Domestic US Politics: Assessing Congressional Foreign Policy Entrepreneurship on Women’s Issues," and Brittany Stalsburg, “'A Mom First and a Candidate Second': Gender Differences in Candidates’ Self-presentation of Family" 
2010: Kelly Dittmar, "Negotiating Gender: Campaign Practitioners’ Reflections on Gender, Strategy, and Campaigns” 

Barbara Callaway Award
Award supporting graduate students to travel internationally to conduct research on any aspect of gender and politics.
2021: Carissa Cunningham, South Korea
2020: Brit Anlar, Sweden
2019: Meriem Aissa, Algeria
2019: Elizabeth Corredor, Colombia
2018: Rebecca Kuperberg, Mexico
2017: Elizabeth Corredor, Colombia
2017: Anja Vojvodic, Serbia
2015: Juliana Restrepo 
Sanín, Colombia
2014: Mary K. Nugent, United Kingdom
2014: Sarah Weirich, Tunisia
Mentoring and Leadership Awards
Kira Sanbonmatsu, Mentoring Award, Gender and Political Psychology Network, 2018. 
Cynthia R. Daniels, Faculty Diversity Award, Office of the President, Rutgers University, 2012.
Mona Lena Krook, Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award, Washington University in St. Louis, 2009. 
Mary Hawkesworth, Excellence in Mentoring Award, Women's Caucus for Political Science, 2006 and 2002. 
Mary Hawkesworth, Leader in Diversity Award, Rutgers University, 2006.
Susan J. Carroll, Leader in Diversity Award, Rutgers University, 2006.
Susan J. Carroll, Excellence in Mentoring Award, Women's Caucus for Political Science, 2004, 1996, and 1989.

Nadia Brown, Anna Julia Cooper Teacher of the Year Award, National Conference of Black Political Scientists, 2022.
Nadia Brown, Excellence in Mentoring Award, Gender and Political Psychology Network, 2021.
Public Engagement Awards
Mona Lena Krook, Distinguished Award for Civic and Community Engagement, American Political Science Association, 2021.
Mona Lena Krook, Chancellor’s Award for Global Impacts, Rutgers University, 2021.

Mona Lena Krook, Apolitical’s 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy List, 2021.
Graduate Students
Lu Pin, Laureate, Marianne Initiative for Human Rights Defenders, President of France, 2022.
Lu Pin, Apolitical’s 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy List, 2021.
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