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Brit Anlar

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the department of Political Science Rutgers where I focus on Women and Politics and Comparative Politics. My research explores political representation and political parties at the intersection of age and gender. I am most interested in how young people make it to elected office and the ways that candidate recruitment and selection may be both an aged and gendered process. My dissertation research focuses specifically on the representation of young people in formal politics with a particular interest in the recruitment and selection of young candidates for political office in Scandinavia. During the 2021-2022 academic year, I was a guest researcher at the Department of Political Science at Gothenburg University where I conducted fieldwork for my dissertation.


In addition to my dissertation research, I am the lead graduate researcher on the Young Elected Leaders Project--a project aimed at gathering and disseminating data about young elected officials at all levels of government across the United States. Additionally, I am a founding member and secretary of the Youth Political Representation Research Network--a network of scholars and practitioners whose aim is to promote the representation of young adults in formal politics through research and practice.


Year in Program


Minor Fields

Comparative Politics

Areas of Interest

Age / Youth Politics
Gender & Politics
Political Representation
Political Parties
Scandinavian Politics

Teaching / Teaching Assistant Roles

790:253 Political Parties in Western Democracies

790:327 International Political Economy


Chutes, Ladders, and Snakes: Youth Political Representation in Scandinavia

Committee: Dr. Mona Lena Krook, Dr. Kira Sanbonmatsu, Dr. Daniel Kelemen, Dr. Aksel Sundström (Gothenburg University)

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Recent Publications

Anlar, Brittany. Forthcoming. ”Bridging the Divide.” National Democratic Institute.

Anlar, Brittany. October, 2020. “Going Live: How Young Representatives are Using Social Media to Change Representation.” The Monkey Cage Blog, The Washington Post.

Krook, Mona Lena et al. October 30, 2019. “Engaging Women in Sustainable Peace: A Guide to Best Practices.” The Community of Democracies.


Young and exposed: political violence and youth political representation in Scandinavia. Work in Progress.


A New Kind of Wave? Millennials in the U.S. Congress. Work in Progress. With Isabel Köhler, Uppsala University.


‘Immature’ Representatives: Candidate Age Requirements for State Legislative Office. Work in Progress. With Cecilia Ritacco, Rutgers University.​

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