Nainika Ashok Paul
In 2018, I completed my B.A. at Rutgers University-NB in Political Science with a minor in WGS, International Studies and certificates from the Eagleton Institute of Politics and the Institute for Women’s Leadership. After my B.A., I earned an M.A. in Conflict Management and Middle East Studies from Johns Hopkins SAIS Washington DC. While there, I was a Harold Rosenthal Student Fellow in the Department of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense Policy. I decided to return to Rutgers to pursue a PhD in Women and Politics with a minor in International Relations. My overarching interests lay at the intersection of women’s representation, policymaking, and conflict management and diplomacy. This past year, I was a visiting research student at the University of British Columbia, where I was researching the impact of Truth and Reconciliation Commissions on MMWIG in Canada. I hope to pursue a career in the State Department focused on international women's issues.
Year in Program
Minor Fields
International Relations
Areas of Interest
Feminist IR
Women's Role in Conflict
South/Central Asian Studies
Indigenous Studies
Teaching / Teaching Assistant Roles
790:101 Nature of Politics, Teaching Assistant
2nd-Year Paper
An Inquiry into the concepts of “Nation State” and “Sovereignty” in the sub-IR field (CM) through the lens of Indigenous-State led Truth and Reconciliation Commissions (TRCs) on Turtle Island.
Advisor: Dr. Elena Gambino
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