Samantha Koprowski
I am a second-year PhD student in the department studying Women and Politics and American politics. Currently, my research interests include perceptions of grassroots campaigning and what that might mean in terms of representational claims and candidate authenticity. I also am interested in issues involving women’s representation in U.S. legislatures, women’s interests expressed in public policy, and gender dynamics in social movements.
Year in Program
Minor Fields
American Politics
Areas of Interest
Grassroots Campaigning
Women's Representation
Women's Interests
Social Movements
Teaching / Teaching Assistant Roles
Samantha does not currently teach or assist
2nd-Year Paper
Perceptions of Grassroots Campaigns
Advisor: Dr. Kira Sanbonmatsu
Recent Publications
Lauby, F. and Koprowski, S. “Gender (In)Equality in the Undocumented Youth Movement.” Mobilization: An International Quarterly Press (Revise and Resubmit).